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How to beat casino games
A winning strategy
If you really want to learn how to beat casino games like the professional gamblers do. You must begin to think like one. You must have or develop the extreme self discipline, control and the nerve that most professional gamblers have. The professional gambler does not rely on luck or luck alone to help them beat casino games. But they do set themselves realistic win-loss limits. When they play, most have or use some sort of betting or wagering system. This helps offset the casinos advantage just a little bit to help them beat casino games. If they are on a losing cycle they do not panic and abandon their betting system but rather they cut down on the amounts of their wagers.
On the other hand, if they are on a winning cycle they may start betting more aggressively and increase their wagers accordingly. But the most important thing that any gambler, professional or amature must do is manage his or her bankroll, you absolutely must have good money management skills.

Another thing most professional gamblers do is after each and every win they will pull or drag some of their winnings. This helps offset their loses when they do hit a losing cycle, and believe it or not every gambler will have losing cycles when nothing seems to be going their way. When this happens, and believe me it will, back off, quit for the day, go to another casino or try another casino game. But whatever you do, don't panic and start betting erratically, because sure as hell if you do that, your going to lose. But if you stick to the advice that most professional gamblers would give, that is; play whatever basic strategy your particular game demands, stick with your wagering or betting system and undoubtedly the most important thing of all, manage your bankroll money, quit when you reach your predetermined limit. Don't try pushing your luck, because luck is fickle and it can come back and bite badly. But if you follow the advice of the professional gambler you will have a better than average chance to beat casino games.

The very first thing I would advise a complete novice gambler do is to is become very familiar with the particular casino game or games that they are interested in playing. I have included some links of the left of this page right under the navigation that gives a very good explanation of some of the more common casino game rules. I would advise that you read them and then reread them until you completely understand the game. Then I would also suggest that you open a fun account at any of the online casinos that offer one and practice that particular game or games until your blue in the face. I would also suggest that you use some sort of betting or wagering system to practice with, this will help you develop the confidence and the skill needed to beat casino games. I have also included some links to gambling systems on the left on this page under the casino game rules. These are some of the more common gambling systems, but there are others and there are also many excellent websites on the internet that can offer outstanding advice on the use of gambling systems that will help you beat casino games.

I also have on this site several pages of links that will take you to other gambling related websites. Some of these sites offer excellent advice,and they are well worth your time scanning through. I would also like to say that if you have a good basic understanding of the mathematics of odds and probability you could possibly even devise your own gambling system. Anyone who has taken high school math that dealt with the theory of probability at all should be able to figure one out (dust off some of them old high school math books). Use whatever works for you. Don't become stuck using some gambling system that someone else has devised just because they say you should. All of these systems have some advantages but they also have some disadvantages and absolutely none can guarantee you'll beat casino games at every playing session, but if you do follow an established system and basic playing strategies your chances to beat casino games are greatly improved.

I also want you to remember that the your very best system is your money management scheme or system The amount you wager is the only real control you have. All of the online casino's games are run by random number generators and you the player, have no control at all as to whether you win or lose a particular hand, but the control you do have is the amount of your wagers. So keep that in mind when your playing to beat casino games, cut back your wagers when on a losing cycle and increase your wagers when on a winning cycle. And every time you win pull or drag some of your winnings to help offset your losing cycles.

The particular casino game that I prefer personally is blackjack. So therefore I have included on this site an entire page dedicated to how to win at blackjack . On it is an image of the basic card playing strategy for blackjack. You may copy this image or use it in any way you like if it will help you beat casino games like blackjack. I also suppose that most visitors to this site would like to know what system I personally use or would recommend when gambling. It usually depends on what casino game I'm trying to beat. If I'm playing casino war, Roulette (both versions), or any other casino game with at or near even odds I prefer the 1-3-2-6 system. Although sometimes I will also use a variation of the Martingale system. The way I vary the Martingale system a bit is rather than just doubling up my bets when I lose I use a different sequence. I usually bet one unit , if I win, I continue betting one unit until I hit a loser. When I do hit that loser I increase my bet by 3 units, if I lose that I go to 7 and finally 15 units. If I haven't won after betting 15 units I'll either back off and go back down to 1 unit and start over again, or I'll quit for the day. Using a system like this will generally not make you a big winner but over the short run you should come out ahead and beat casino games. But I do want to emphasize one thing about systems again. The most important system is your money management system!

I would like to say one thing about poker, that is, I am not a poker player so therefore I will not give any advice about poker strategy. But there are many good websites that do give some excellent advice on poker strategy. On my link pages you can find some of these websites. I encourage you to visit them.

I thank you for taking the time to visit this site and I sincerely hope you all the best of luck with your online gambling and I do hope that you beat casino games. These same ideas and systems can also be applied to beat land based casinos. I would like to give special thanks to the Golden Palace online casino for the use of their casino games rules. There is only one last thing I would like to say. This is gambling and there is always the possibility of losing your money. So please only gamble with money you can afford to lose and please gamble responsibly.

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